
Recounts tell the reader what happened. They retell a past event e.g. a visit to a farm two month ago.
Recounts begin by telling the reader who was involved, what happened, where this event took place and when it happened. This is called the orientation.
The sequence of events is then described in some sort of order e.g. time.
There may be a reorientation at the end which summarized the event.
Writing recounts 
When writing recounts you should :

  • focus on individual people i.e. use the words "I" or "we"
  • use words which indicate when (e.g. after lunch) and where the events took place (e.g. in the shed)
  • write in the past tense e.g. had, visited
  • use action words e.g. helped, crutched. This way a very long day but I enjoyed it a lot.
for example :
Title                                               EARTHQUAKE
Orientation       I was driving along the coast road when the car
                        suddenly lurched to one side. 
Event 1            At first I thought a tyre had gone but then I saw telegraph
                        poles collapsing like matchstricks.
Event 2            The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had
                        abandend the car.
Event 3            When I got back to town, well as I said, there wasn't much
Reorientation    That was like a nightmide.


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